Mobile Canine Spa & Care Services
Serving the foothills and west metro Denver area
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm Saturday-Sunday: Closed
Every dog will receive the base package.
This package is all-inclusive and consists of ear cleaning, eye cleaning, nail trim, blueberry facial, warm bath, coat conditioning, de-shedding/blow dry, brush out, dental care, treats, bandana, and cologne spray. We do not offer à la carte services.
Below, you can read about each service that's included in the base package:
Ear Cleaning
Antimicrobial wipes and a veterinary grade solution are used to remove dirt, debris, and break up wax from the ears. The solution also helps eliminate moisture, which can help prevent future infections. When we clean the ears, we will check for and advise you if we notice any bacterial or fungal infections. (Please note that cleaning alone, will not cure infections. Infections need to be treated with prescription antibiotics from a licensed veterinarian.)
Eye Cleaning
Antimicrobial wipes are used to gently remove mucus and discharge around the eyes. For dogs with eye related allergies, we will administer a medicated solution to help relieve itching, redness, and burning. We will check for and advise you if we notice any signs of conjunctivitis, injuries/abrasions, glaucoma, ectropian/entropain, or prolapsed gland of the nictitans (cherry eye). These conditions will need to be treated by a licensed veterinarian.
Nail Trim
We will trim your dog's nails as short as possible - every time. After the trim, the nails will be grinded so they are rounded off and smooth on the edge. The more often dog's nails are trimmed, the shorter the quick (the blood and nerve supply in the nail) will become. Allowing dog's nails to grow long can cause imbalance, pressure pain, arthritis, joint and spinal complications, and a limitation for a full range of movement.
Dental Care
We use highly affective enzymatic pet dental products to help prevent and remove mild plaque build up and assist in breath deodorizing. Routine oral care is essential in helping prevent and treat dental complications. Please note that basic dental hygiene care will not remove advance Periodontitis, Gingivitis, or infections/ bad breathe caused from decayed or broken teeth. Once infection and tartar have formed, scaling, polishing, and extractions need to be performed under general anesthesia of a licensed vet.
Blueberry Facial
Your dog will be pampered with a rejuvenating and relaxing facial massage using a wonderfully scented blueberry cleanser. This will pleasantly invigorate their senses, stimulate circulation, and relieve muscle tension that may be concentrated in the head and neck. This also works great for diminishing annoying tear stains around your dog's eyes. For brachycephalic breeds such as bulldogs, pugs, shar-peis, and mastiffs, we add an additional "Squish Face" scrub. This specialized cream gets deep into all of those beautiful face wrinkles to fight harmful bacteria and stubborn stains! The squish face scrub is offered at no additional charge.
Heated Bath
We use warm, fresh water combined with specialized shampoos to get your dog's coat clean right down to the skin. Our shampoos are gentle, safe, and pH balanced for your dog's health. They return nutrients and sebum (the natural oils in the skin) to their healthy levels. This leaves the hair shiny, fresh, and incredibly soft! We have a handful of different types for different needs. Below, you can read about some of our shampoos; •All-Purpose Clarifying, Pear & Amber Scent. This is our most popular shampoo! It removes heavy stains, dirt, excessive grease, and brightens all coat colors. It is excellent for any hair type, from coarse and wirey, to fine and curly. •De-Shedding, Coconut Scent. This hard working shampoo is crafted with Omega 3 & 6 Fatty Acids and Vitamin E. This helps to loosen the undercoat and combat shedding by adding strength to the hair root. •Medicated Skin Condition Treatment, Mild Mint Scent. Does your dog have alopecia or skin that is dry, flakey, red, scaly, itchy, or irritated? Our powerful, yet gentle medicated shampoo contains Ketoconazole, Chlorhexidine, and Colloidal Oatmeal. These ingredients treat symptoms caused from food or environmental allergies, bacterial infections, fungal infections, compromised immune systems, or parasites. Many owners notice a remarkable improvement in their dog's skin and coat after just one treatment. (Please note, that skin conditions are secondary symptoms caused from underlying problems. Treating the symptom, in this case the skin, may provide relief, however it will not cure or prevent future break outs. AKA, bathing alone will not cure an allergy or infection. Please consult a veterinary dermatologist to treat/cure these conditions.) •Hair Repair, Plum Scent. We recommend this shampoo for dogs whose coats are abnormally dry, brittle, or damaged from chemicals, excessive sun exposure, or illness. It not only helps restore but protect the hair shafts from further degradation. •Fragrance Free Shampoo: If you or your dog have severe sensitivities to strong scents, we recommend this shampoo. It is extremely mild and lacks any harsh perfumes. •Color Enhancer, Clove and Almond Scent: We recommend this shampoo for dark colored dogs that have been turning grey with age or white colored dogs that have turned yellow or brown from oil and dirt. It helps minimize visible white hairs and add extra youthful lustre. •Ultra De-odorizor, Freesia and Citrus Zest scent. If your dog is extra smelly, this shampoo is for them. It packs a hard working enzyme to eliminate foul odors and leave a powerful long lasting fresh scent behind.
Coat Conditioning
After your dog's coat has been thoroughly cleaned, we will apply a deep conditioner. This will help replenish moisture, loosen minor tangles, and eliminate static in dry or brittle coats. A good conditioning is extra beneficial for breeds with a drop or silky coat. The additional moisture helps keep the cuticle long and flat. We have separate conditioners that match each unique shampoo type chosen for your dog. For those that choose the All-Purpose Clarifying Shampoo, De-Shedding Shampoo, Color Enhancing Shampoo, and De-odorizing Shampoo, and Hair Repair Shampoo we combine them with a spring scented conditioner. This conditioner leaves a fresh scent that lasts for weeks! For those that choose the Medicated Skin Condition Shampoo or the fragrance free shampoo, we pair it with an oatmeal and aloe conditioner. This conditioner is unscented and hypoallergenic, making it excellent for sensitive skin types.
De-shed/Blow Dry
No one likes their house filled with dog hair. And no dog likes walking around with chunks of hair constantly falling out. We use a powerful hand held, high velocity blower to get deep into your dog's undercoat and force all of the lose hair out. Keeping your dog's undercoat regularly blown out will help them regulate their internal temperatures and stay ahead of those annoying shedding cycles. This leaves your dog comfortable, and you without having to constantly vacuum! (We do not use cage dryers or any other type of dryer that doesn't require supervision.)
Brush & Body Exam
After your dog's undercoat has been blown out, we will give them an additional brush out. Brushing helps untangle small tangles in the fur and remove any remaining loose or impacted hairs from their undercoats. We also take this dedicated time to get a good look at your dog's skin and body condition. We run our hands over every inch of your dog to examine them for any lumps, bumps, wounds, or infections. Catching such conditions early on can help keep your dog safe and healthy.
Unlimited Treats
We provide free savory and healthy treats to your dog at their request! We ensure to keep a wide variety of flavorful snacks that cater to every dog's unique diet. Some of these treats include freeze dried sweet potato, duck, rabbit, white fish, milk bones, and of course every dog's favorite - peanut butter! We ensure all treats are safe and don't contain any harmful ingredients such as xylitol. Please let us know if your dog has dietary restrictions (such as allergies or diabetes), and we will be sure to accommodate them.
Seasonal Bandana
We have a large variety of fun and modern bandanas for some added sharpness and confidence! We do our best to match bandanas based on the owner's unique style and the dog's personality. Our bandanas will always be be seasonal and holiday appropriate. If you do not wish for a bandana, please let us know.
Finishing Spray
Would you like your dog to have a little extra smell of freshness? We have a couple of wonderful, all-natural, and completely dog-safe finishing sprays. These sprays proudly do not use any harsh chemicals or perfumes. Instead, the scents are purely nature derived. We hand apply the finish throughout your dog's coat after their bath. Two scents are available to choose from; Lemongrass & Verbena or Desert Agave Bloom. During the months of November and December we also offer Holiday scents. You can choose from cranberry, apple cider, peppermint, and pumpkin spice.
Add-ons are extra services that can be joined with the base package for an additional fee. We do not offer à la carte services.
Below, you can read about each add-on service:
Salt Water Therapy
This therapy aids in the rehabilitation and prevention of inflammatory injuries as well as aiding in the treatment of wounds and infections. A poultice of Epson salts, Dead Sea Salts, and cold water is powerfully jetted to massage the soft tissues and disperse fluids. When a soft tissue strain or injury occurs, inflammatory white blood cells flood the area. This presents as heat and swelling. Unattended, this process ultimately causes weak collagenase fibers. This specialized therapy minimizes the formation of these weak fibers by keeping the location temperature low, allowing the fibers to heal in an organized manner. This therapy is best for dogs that may have suffered from tendon or ligament injuries, suspensory sprains or tears, arthritis, abscesses, or as a routine preventative for dogs who participate in physically demanding sports or work.
Did you know that dogs have 40 times more scent receptors than humans? This allows them to identify smells up to 100,000 times better than us. With their remarkable olfactory memory, and because their world revolves around scent, research has shown that certain aromatherapies can be ideal for use with dogs. We use diluted lavender oil and chamomile to gently massage into your dog's chest, neck, ears, and legs. Lavender and chamomile have been hailed as being affective in combating stress, fear, agitation, and anxiety. This service is excellent for dogs who experience mild to moderate anxiety about the grooming process.
Paw Moisturizing
Colorado's dry weather can be rough on your dog's sensitive paw pads. If your dog has cracked and abrasive pads, or red, smelly, and itchy toes, this service is a must. We first treat your dog to a seaweed, sunflower oil, and aloe vera foot soak. This helps provide relief caused by allergies and irritants. We then provide them with a generous layer of "Paw Balm". This is massaged deep into the pads by hand. Paw Balm is an all-natural and non-toxic ointment that contains vitamin E, beeswax, aloe, coconut oil, and shea butter. It greatly helps to heal, replenish moisture, and protect against future cracks and dryness.
Gland Expression
Some dogs suffer from excessive gland secretions. If your dog is often "scooting their bottom" on the floor and exhibits a foul fish like odor, they likely need their glands expressed. We will gently empty the glands to relieve the oils trapped inside. If we suspect there is a severe impaction or infection, we will advise you to consult with your vet.
Feather Trim
Does your dog have weird strands of hair sticking out in odd places? Do they often have annoying burrs and tangles in their feathers? For dogs with long hair, such as golden retrievers, collies, great pyreneese, berners, newfies, and setters, we can trim away the fur around their toes, legs, ears, and belly. Please note that we do not perform full body hair cuts, style cuts, or full body shave downs.
Sanitary Shave
Some long haired dogs accumulate, "cling-ons" - feces and dried urine trapped in the fur around their genitals. As you can imagine, this isn't comfortable for your dog. If this is left unchecked, skin scalding, infection, and mats can occur. In severe cases, dogs may experience pain or even an inability to properly relieve themselves due to the blocked material. We will carefully shave the hair in these areas to allow air flow and relief to your dog.
It's a horrible experience for both you and your dog when they get sprayed by a skunk. The smell is nauseating! Did you know skunk spray is oil based, and if it's mixed with water, the water will only spread the oil around in the dog's coat? After testing many products that claim to remove skunk scent, we have found that a handmade concoction of baking soda, grease breaking soap, and peroxide work best. We apply this solution on your dog's *dry* coat, working it deep into the skin to pull the skunk oil out. After this has been allowed to set and do its magic, we will then wash the dog with our regular shampoos.
Soft Paws Application
Do your dog's nails often get caught on fabrics, scuff up hard wood floors, and scratch your skin? If so, you may want to consider Soft Paws. After the dog's nails have been trimmed, these semi-permanent plastic caps are applied to keep those nails covered and away from causing damage. These caps will naturally come off on their own as the nail grows. Depending on wear, they typically need to be replaced every 4-8 weeks. *Color availability is subject to change.
Parasite Treatment
Does your dog have fleas or ticks? If so, we have a medicated treatment to help with fast relief. After a full bath, your dog will receive an additional wash that will kill the adult parasites on the skin. Along with this shampoo treatment, we recommend your dog be prescribed additional medications in order to prevent parasites of all life stages (egg, larvae, and adult). We do not recommend using over the counter "natural" parasite preventatives on your pet. These "medication" tend to demonstrate resistance and unsafe/lethal ingredients. We instead recommend trial tested prescriptions such as Bravecto, Nexgard, Sentinel, or Simparica Trio.
Ear Plucking
Some breeds of dogs such as poodles and schnauzers have hair that grows in their ears. This hair grows thick and traps oil, which can block the canal, preventing air circulation. Bacteria, fungus, and mats then often form inside of the ear causing infection and pain to the dog. Plucking a dog's ear is when we gently pull or tweeze the hair out so these conditions can be prevented. The hair follicles in the dog's ears are extremely short, making it easy and relatively painless for removal.
Obedience Consult
Does your dog exhibit out of control behavior such as jumping up, barking, not paying attention, or being hyperactive? Are basic commands such as "heel" and "stay" something they struggle with? Do they have anxiety over new experiences, places, or objects? If you answered yes, we may be able to help. With this service, we will spend time with both you and your dog, providing demonstration, direction, and assistance for some of these common problems. Having a calm, collected, cooperative, comfortable, and confident dog will help them live happier and safer lives.
30-Minute Walk
Does your dog get the zoomies following a bath treatment? Do they need to burn off some steam and the excitement of feeling fresh? If so, we would be happy to take them on a fun and engaging 30-minute walk around your neighborhood. We love to get exercise and spend additional quality time with your dog! And we know your dog appreciates it too!
30-Minute Massage
Dogs that are elderly, have joint pain, or sore muscles may enjoy a full body, deep tissue massage before their bath. We work starting at their nose, down to their toes, hips, shoulders, legs, neck, and tail to help loosen and relax their entire body.
Start your puppy off right by getting them signed up for our puppy package. This package ensures your puppy will be calm, cooperative, confident, and comfortable with the entire grooming process for the rest of their life.
Puppy Package
Specialized Appointments for Puppies: Between the ages of 8-16 weeks, puppy brains are like sponges, absorbing every experience and stimuli around them. This is the perfect age to get them use to the grooming process to ensure they are comfortable with it for the rest of their life. While it's important to expose your puppy to as many positive experiences as possible, it's equally important to not overwhelm or stress them out. Short, frequent, and positive sessions are key. So, we like to set up our puppy package in a four part session over the course of four weeks; First session: We bring the puppy into the trailer where we let them free roam. They will get a chance to explore all of the smells and textures of the floor, grooming table, and bathtub. During this session, we will sit with them and provide them abundant treats and positive reinforcement every time they take initiative to explore. This also helps puppies gain confidence when being separated from their owners. This session will only last about 15-20 minutes. Second session: We will do everything again that we did in the first session, then we will add in physical sensations. We will trim their nails, clean their ears, brush their coats, and let them free roam the trailer while we let them listen to the sound of the water pump and blow dryer. being turned on and off. This session will last about 30 minutes. Third session: We will do everything again that we conducted in the first and second sessions. We will then have another dog (either one of the owner's or ours) go through the entire grooming process while the puppy free roams in the trailer and watches. Letting the puppy watch the process, without being restrained/involved, helps them feel safe and in control of their body. Having another dog who is comfortable with the process, helps the puppy feel reassured and not alone. Fourth session: We will do every thing again that we conducted in the first, second, and third sessions. We will then start the process of bathing and blow drying your dog. We will also have another dog in the trailer to provide your puppy with emotional support. Depending on how your puppy handles the blow dryer, we may just towel dry them and address the blow drying at their fifth appointment. Homework for Puppy Owners: We cannot stress enough how crucial it is to desensitize and socialize your puppy to the world. The more you get your puppy *outside of the house* and encourage their curiosity, the less chance they'll have at developing serious behavior problems such as anxiety and fear aggression as adult dogs. The experiences they make as puppies will help them build the skills they need to gain confidence and understanding in navigating the world. Otherwise, sheltering your puppies from things they are scared of will only increase their fears and dangerous reactive coping mechanisms. Remember, short, positive, and frequent sessions will always be key. Let your puppy experience different types and ages of people, different animals, different objects, different textures, different things touching them all over their bodies, different noises, and different smells. Basic obedience such as sit and stay, will also greatly help your puppy learn self control and focus. And make your training sessions fun by suing lots of treats, play time, and praise! Always reward them when they make the effort to be curious and act calm in the face of high stress situations. Otherwise, praising them when they act scared and want to cling to you, will only reward and encourage their negative behaviors. We are always happy to refer local veterinary behaviorists and in home trainers to help puppy owners understand and utilize training methods.